Package: abs-guide
Description-md5: c70e528b8b624e5738bdbd1b89e8b349
Description-nb: Den Viderekomne Bash-skript veiledningen
Utgreiing om hvordan skrive skall-skript.
This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming,
but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of
instruction ... all the while sneaking in little snippets of UNIX(R)
wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and a
reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques. The
exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader
participation, under the premise that the only way to really learn
scripting is to write scripts.
This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to
programming concepts.
Package: agrep
Description-md5: 9be24e944ed9e33e495381c8828a2a36
Description-nb: text search tool with support for approximate patterns
agrep er en variant av standard grep med følgende forbedringer:
* the ability to search for approximate patterns
* it is record oriented rather than just line oriented
* multiple patterns with AND OR logic queries
Denne pakken inneholder glimpse (4.x) sin siste frie versjon av grep.
Package: album
Description-md5: 3eaaefa453087570fb45ac51eeccbe7c
Description-nb: HTML photo album generator with theme support
Album er et perl-script som kan lage HTML-fotoalbum for dine direktiver og
bilder. Det støtter tema som kan fastslå den visuelle framtoningen til
albumene. Album lager tommelnegler hvis det er nødvendig, og 'middels
størrelse'-versjoner av bilder for web-bruk for å unngå store nedlastinger
av orginale bilder. Du kan også skreddersy ditt fotoalbum på mange andre
Dette programmet krever ikke en nettleser for å fungere. Når HTML-koden er
generert, kan du legge det i din "www" katalog.
Package: alien-arena
Description-md5: de2b3d0db5845c79b22ffc0c38842f1b
Description-nb: Frittstående førstepersons nettbasert deathmatch-skytespill i 3D
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit
graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective
water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain
maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's
top games.
Denne pakken installerer SDL-klienten for Alien Arena.
Package: alien-arena-data
Description-md5: f930829d2a1207940bee317dc2015735
Description-nb: Spilldatafiler for Alien Arena
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit
graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective
water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain
maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's
top games.
Denne pakken installerer data, botinfo, og arena-filer som trengs for å
kjøre Alien Arena.
Package: alien-arena-server
Description-md5: 5096fa975d49e1d2781f93bd7781f913
Description-nb: Dedikert server for Alien Arena
ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter
crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released
by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit
graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective
water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain
maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's
top games.
Denne pakken installerer en dedikert server for Alien Arena
Package: alsa-firmware-loaders
Description-md5: 631dd818c28b45f8af844a1ba49ddcd6
Description-nb: ALSA-laster for spesifikk hardware
En samling oppstartslastere for spesifikk hardware:
cspctl - Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program
hdsploader - firmware loader for the RME Hammerfall DSP cards
mixartloader - firmware loader for Digigram's miXart board sound drivers
pcxhrloader - firmware loader for Digigram pcxhr compatible soundcards
sscape_ctl - SoundScape control utility and firmware loader
usx2yloader - firmware loader for Tascam USX2Y USB soundcards
vxloader - firmware loader for Digigram VX soundcards
Package: amiwm
Description-md5: dbc26246fea66e38d2fa982621ffcb8b
Description-nb: Den Amiga-liknende vindusbehandleren
Dette er amiwm, en X vindusstyrer som prøver å få din arbeidsstasjon til å
ligne en Amiga. "Hvorfor?" spør du. Fordi forfatteren ønsket det. Rett og
Package: amoeba
Description-md5: d79071f380a0fcf700f7b1ed1856dab1
Description-nb: rask og blankpolert OpenGL-demonstrasjon av Excess
Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess,
showing realtime graphics effects in perfect sync with music. It features
a full customizable demo engine, several visual effects, lots of graphics
and a pumping soundtrack.
Amoeba won first prize in the demo competition at Underscore 02, a
demoscene party held in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Merk at dette bare er demomotoren -- for å se selve demoen nå du også ha
pakken amoeba-data.
Package: amoeba-data
Description-md5: 034c9cfac5217a9a6eb4db71c1f05423
Description-nb: Rask og blankpolert OpenGL-demonstrasjon av Excess (data)
Amoeba is a fast-paced, cross-platform OpenGL demonstration by Excess,
showing effects using your 3D card in perfect sync with Ogg Vorbis music.
It features a full XML-scripted GPLed demo engine, several object
manipulations, lots of graphics and a pumping soundtrack.
Amoeba vant førstepremie i demokonkurransen på Underscore 02, en scenefest
avholdt i Jernkøping, Sverige (
Denne pakken inneholder dataen som trengs for demoen -- for å se demoen
trenger du også pakken amoeba, som inneholder demomotoren.